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Why Choose Call Universal?


CALL UNIVERSAL has participated in building some of the largest IP carrier networks in the world. We offer a wide range of highly flexible, scalable, end-to-end wire-line and wireless solutions for both service providers and enterprises.


Separate networks no longer make technical or financial sense. Now that voice, video and data will occupy the same pipe, separate networks for each no longer make sense: they mean separate staffs, duplicate equipment, turf wars, and higher costs. Call Universal’s next generation network (NGN) integrated solutions simplify your communications infrastructure.


We has tackled consulting challenges ranging in complexity from enterprise-level convergence of telecom services to federal government top security networking installations. We can help you evaluate, plan and implement technology solutions.


We can help you refine strategies and speed up systems and product implementation. As we move into 5G wireless, application development and deployment become critical. We have developed delivery systems for video streaming, universal messaging, web content, and location-based services, as well as program management for both, private and public wireless networks.


We are an agile and skilled organization with comprehensive capabilities and experience in both wired & wireless networks that include; system design, development, end-to-end integration, and outsourcing capabilities.

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