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Compliance Solutions

We offer cost effective, turnkey, compliance and technical solutions specifically designed for the telemarketing industry.


The regulatory and economic environment within the telemarketing industry has made it increasingly difficult for outbound call centers to operate efficiently and profitably, CU provides technical products and services to help call centers increase profits and comply with the changing regulatory demands placed on them. Beginning January 29, 2004 the Telemarketing Sales Rules issued by the FTC requires the transmission of caller ID by all telemarketers.


Today, approximately 50-60% of all calls placed from outbound telemarketing centers terminate with a customer who subscribes to a caller ID service. These consumers typically pay their local phone company (LEC) between $7 and $10 per month for this service. In order for a terminating carrier to supply this service, they must have the cooperation and assistance from the LEC that provided or "controls" the phone number or name, which will be displayed. The terminating LEC pays a fraction of a cent per caller ID received to the sending LEC for the use of the sending LEC’s Calling Name database.


CU has developed Caller ID Solutions specifically for large, outbound telemarketing firms. Caller ID Solutions provides call centers with added flexibility in caller ID messaging, while providing an added revenue stream leveraging existing call volume.


A large outbound telemarketing center could easily generate several million, caller ID transactions per month, adding up to thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars per month in fees for your local LEC. When you subscribe to Call Universal's Caller ID Solution program, we provide you numbers that we control and maintain. You do not have to change any hardware or other service provider. We process all caller ID transactions and pass on a portion of the profits to your call center. In effect, you make money for doing no additional work.


  • Immediate compliance to the FTC mandated TSR’s.

  • Support for as many unique numbers as you would like at no charge.

  • Forward the returned calls to either an inbound number of your choice.

  • Use Call Universal's hosted IVR to process the returned calls.

  • Incremental revenue from existing outbound programs with no additional work.

  • Daily Reports on transactions.

  • Web based updates to the message to be displayed and to forwarding numbers.

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